Transition of Mattoni 1973 to e‑learning

How it all began

Mattoni 1873 frequently updates its products. For the company employees to stay informed, the company needs to hold regular training sessions. However, in‑person meetings could not keep up with the pace of product changes. The sales representatives often lacked information regarding new products. Another issue was that all of the employees from all around the country had to attend each of the training sessions (in person).

This is why Mattoni was looking for a provider able to replace the expensive and time‑consuming face‑to‑face courses with a flexible online solution.

What we did at Educasoft

We created an online portal with interactive courses for Mattoni 1873. Sales representatives may access it whenever and wherever (e.g. during the break in‑between meetings). The course can be easily updated with the latest available information.

Based on the amount of information retained, the users are awarded stars for completing each of the courses. The number of stars earned can then be compared with other participants of the courses. The empoloyees compete among themselves to collect more stars which motivates them to repeatedly study the information that they have not remembered correctly the last time, and thus provides them with better retention thereof.

We have created a total of 52 courses for this client, ranging from product training and sales processes to information regarding the company.

How did it help Mattoni 1873?

  • Significant financial and time savings due to the replacement of full‑time training sessions.
  • A quick overview of the level of knowledge attained by individual employees.
  • Gamification elements motivating sales representatives to improve and study more attentively.
  • Sales representatives can complete the training anywhere and at any time ‑ for example, in‑between meetings.

Would you also like a similar portal?

Václav Formánek

Managing Director excited about e‑learning

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+420 775 052 186

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Educasoft Solutions s.r.o.
Nad Kazankou 649/46
Praha-Troja, 171 00